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Camp "Forest"

"Art Odyssey: a Journey Through Space"

June 7-20

Finally! We can breathe a sigh of relief, as the long and busy school year is coming to an end. Now, grab your helmets and prepare to embark on an intergalactic journey. We are the first to orbit the planet of childhood vibes and carefree summer moments.

Our spaceship captains are ready and have in reserve an unlimited supply of ideas for the upcoming flight. According to calculations, during our trip, each spacer will be able to reveal their inclinations and skills in a variety of themed events. All safety and comfort conditions for space journeys have been created. From time to time, there will be landings on various entertainment satellites, providing opportunities to try out waterpark and mountain resort amusements, as well as exciting tours to local folk-parks.

Children will be stay under 24h supervision of our counselor team, capable of creating a relaxing and adventurous atmosphere. Dear passengers, take your seats and fasten seat belts!

"Harry Potter and the Artek Cup"
June 21 – July 4

Can you hear it?... The magic of childhood is calling to you.

At the very start of the camp, the Sorting Hat will assign each child to a magical faculty, which will become a young wizard's team for the next 14 days. Those magicians who prove themselves to be the best in their craft will claim the Artek Cup.

Together we will discover the magic of comradery and the ability to create friendships, magically reduce the screen time of gadgets and reach places where landscapes take away the gift of speech. Our campers will take part in an exciting puzzle-solving adventure, as well as participate in a challenging quest in search of the Stone of Wisdom. At the very end of the camp, we will drop a fantastic themed party, which will later be etched in everyone's memory as a colorful summertime moment.

The mission of this camp is to encourage children to become more confident and independent. Our counselor team will certainly help them in this.

Make haste, open up the door to the magical world of childhood!

"A Portrait of the Talanted Youth"
July 5-18

The first Artek-Bukovel camp took place 10 years ago. Each subsequent generation of kids was different, and we somehow grew along in our own ways. It's hard to believe how many talented children have joined the Artek movement and shared our ideas and aspirations! It is during this camp that we emphasize how each young personality is talented in their own right and the contribution each of us makes to our common future. We will prove ourselves, compete, and, first of all, prove that we are nothing but unique flowers of our blooming nation, the future of which is being built today.

We are ready for lively disputes on renowned artists and pop culture figures, progressive scientists and outstanding athletes, celebrate the success of each person who raised our Homeland to excellence. Soon enough our youth will stand next to them, win cups and medals, make discoveries and win the hearts of people, deepening the recognition of Ukraine as the cradle of talented people.

Our counselors will instill faith in the uniqueness of everyone and make believe those who hesitate.

"Indiana Jones and the Carpathian ArteFacts"

July 19 – August 1

Dear parents, provide your children with backpacks and hats, as we are going on an adventure! Each camper will receive their map of exciting events, revealing a path full of pure emotions and comradery.

This camp's program implies searching for treasures and discovering ancient mysteries, Indiana Jones style. Kids will explore mysterious ruins, decode ancient writings in the mountains and become participants of exciting discovery missions.

Give your young explorers the ultimate summer adventure to fully unleash their mystery-solving, creative, athletic and intellectual potential. All necessary conditions have been created: a competent team treating children with attention and respect; events and activities to contribute to the comprehensive development of Artekiates; a unique location in the Heart of the Carpatians. Of course, appropriate catering have also been taken care of. Our five-course balanced menu will compensate the physical effort needed to navigate the mountainous terrain.

We are sure that at the end of this camp, your children will thank you for the time well-spent.

"StarTech: the Competition Spirit"

August 1-15

Usually, the first thought coming to one's mind when sports are mentioned is "building physique". The thing being neglected is team sports having a significant impact on the formation of social skills: cooperation, communication, mutual assistance. Team-based competitive events play a vital role in teaching the importance of interaction. Teamwork is a mechanism which works exlusively thanks to coordinated cooperation of all details involved.

Secondly, team sports contribute to the development of leaders. Children learn responsibility for their actions, thereby making first steps in decision making, leading a team to a common goal. This is how they increase their self-confidence.

And of course, everyone who is active during the day has an increased level of energy and becomes increasingly handsome. Therefore, children have the opportunity to grow not just physically, but also become better communicators, contributing to their all-round development.

And what better way to to that than having a summer holiday at a children's camp, where all conditions for comfortable stay have been created? It is here, in the Heart of the Carpathians, that a unique youth movement blossoms with friendships, joys and touching moments.

We will be happy to create unforgettable summer experiences for your child!

"Art Uno"

August 16-29

Not only this camp is themed around a tabletop game known to all children, it also celebrates success and cleverness. Children will solve puzzles and riddles daily, combining the elements of logic, strategy and intuition. All this is possible thanks to a simple pedagogic tool – a game.

Intellectual labyrinths are interesting to traverse both independently and while being a part of a group. Such recreation provides children the opportunity to understand what team spirit is and how wonderful it is to feel supported and cheered for by peers.

Our counselors will set up the contenders to successfully resolve all the puzzles and create a relaxed yet competitive atmosphere between the companies. At the end, the team boasting the top score will claim as a prize the opportunity to visit one of Bukovel's most desired attractions.

The spirit of adventure is guaranteed, so let's face this incredible challenge together. It will be fun!

"Beyond Today. Non-Virtual Reality"

August 30 – September 12

Let's face the truth: modern society has reached a critical point in its development – the opportunities Internet provides are almost limitless, but we are losing something essential, which is IRL communication.

It is important that children don't throw away their real life interactions, therefore continue communicating outside of the virtual world. During this camp, we will unleash our full potential to create appropriate conditions so that every camper might find their life-lasting friendships.

Face-to-face meetings create opportunities for communication skills development, open the doors for non-verbal interaction and empathy, things being quite rare and hard to find when online.

Real life interaction forms deeper connections and helps maintain healthier relationships. We will improve our ability to approach different situations, sharpen our understanding of the emotions of others and awaken our empathy towards each other.

The youth is meant to be lived, not wasted behind gadget screens!

Themed "Artek" sessions provide a range of development opportunities for your kids.
Note, that depending on a specific camp, listed options may vary:

GENERAL EVENTS: repeatable or yearly activities. They have already become classics of Artek routine, combined with the best youth-oriented events our resort has to offer. According to session-specific programs and timings, we involve children and counselors into action over the course of multiple events: celebrations, competitions, festivals, gala-concerts, etc.

CAMP ACTIVITIES: all camps have their own signature style, different philosophy and approach to recreation, treatment and education. Each camp's unique identity is further reflected in our special camp-specific actions and events.

COMPANY ACTIVITIES: we highly encourage our campers and counselors to develop a unique identity for each company during the session, thus a huge part of activity time is dedicated to smaller-group events, intended to encourage friendly relationships within each individual group of children.

Educational/personality-development courses. We want children to unleash all the imagination, creative potential and teamwork capabilities, all their knowledge to share with others. We want them to become better in foreign languages, communication and time management. Those who ponder their future early and work hard will succeed in their lives, become reliable citizens and true patriots of the state!

  • Challenges, courses, disputes, educational games, workshops and quests in many fields: IQ, erudition, art and literature, business and career, country-studies, outdoors skills, teamwork, cooking and household etc.
  • English classes and English-speaking companies.
  • Creativity contests in drawing, dancing, vocals, music instruments playing, movie-making, poetry, acting and reciting.
  • Charity events and cleanings of the camp.
  • The most talented will develop wall newspapers and company presentations. The most worthy and record-breaking Artekiates will enter the Hall of Fame.

Sporting events, entertainment and recreation. Our counselors and PT instructors do their best to improve the health conditions of your children. Healthy and active entertainment is also included. We want our campers to possess a healthy spirit in a healthy body, introducing them to a number of opportunities so that everyone might bring their physical conditioning to an edge, become even more handsome and enjoy a healthier way of life:

  • Daily exercises and gym workouts.
  • Swimming, mountain hikes and geocaching. Quad bikes, velomobiles and water bikes.
  • Friendly challenges in water-park and extreme-park. Rock climbing, rope courses, horseback tours, mountain biking.
  • Artball, football, table tennis, chess and checkers.
  • Shooting gallery, slot machines, bowling and air hockey.

As summer is the season when children strive to have fun, we diversify this highly saturated list of sporting activity with some versatile and top-quality leisure and entertainment:

  • Dating events, flash mobs, video conferences, themed parties, jams and discos.
  • Photo-quests, social media specials.
  • Readings and movie showcases.
  • Meetings and autograph sessions with showmen, bookwriters, sportsmen and celebrities.
  • ...and much, much more!

"Artek" heritage and traditions. We strongly believe that small, symbolic things do matter. Every member of our big family will be briefly introduced to the history of Artek, as well as traditional campfire songs, chants, slogans and roundelay folk dances – from the very start of the camp. From the old times, fireplace has been symbolizing friendship, hope, mutual care and unity. Campfire has become one of the central symbolic figures in the "Artek" movement, thus campfire gatherings are the pivotal feature of our brand!

"Artek Bukovel".
Grow. Explore. Discover.