Artek-Bukovel: camp booking has started!

19 MARCH 2024
Artek-Bukovel: camp booking has started!

Dear friends,

We are pleased to announce that Artek-Bukovel camps are resuming this summer. It won't be an exaggeration to state that we are ready to deliver those fantastic summer experiences to your kids.

You may want to purchase admission directly from the website or contact our booking department by calling +38 (0342) 59 11 00. After all, the first camp starts as soon as June 7!

This summer we are going to have 6 different camps. Each camp will be themed around a particular thing: intergalactic travels, Harry Potter universe, Indiana Jones adventures, sports, mountain tourism, etc.

Your children will enjoy hiking, studies, courses, a variety of entertainment, comfy accommodation in Bukovel Hotel cottages and a balanced menu with five meals a day. And what is most important – security! The camp territory is reliably protected. Our experienced couselors and medical personnel will watch campers thoroughly, but without excess.

Everything is thought out to a smallest detail, so that your kids might enjoy their summer break and recharge before the upcoming school year.

Book camps

Booking department: +38 (0342) 59 11 00

Welcome to the heart of the Carpathians!