Reguli de utilizare a ascensoarelor


1.1. TC "Bukovel" terms of use of ski-lifts, henceforth – the Rules, contain basic principles of behavior during transportation, in order to maintain safety conditions, minimize risks, and prevent traumatism. 

1.2. Here are the terms and definitions of these Rules:

  • Passenger – anyone who uses the ski-lift for transportation;
  • Ski-lift – a transportation system, which consists of wire-mounted chairs circulating between upper and lower stations, supported by pillars, and corresponding mechanisms.
  • Loading zone – an area on the lower station where passengers maintain the boarding procedure; 
  • Rider (skier, boarder) – anyone who moves along the ski trail, using special equipment (skis, snowboard).

1.3. Anyone who uses the chair-lift service at TC "Bukovel" is the subject of these Rules.

1.4. Each passenger must adhere to these Rules, as well as instructions, posted or verbal, given by the TC "Bukovel" lift service personnel, follow markers and signs, mounted along the transporting line.

1.5. All damage done to property of TC "Bukovel", or any other passenger, as a proven fact of violation of these Rules, must be refunded on demand, according to the current legislation.

1.6. When any violations of these Rules occur, TC "Bukovel" administration has the denial-of-service right. This includes ski-pass (either single-use or prepaid) blocking. Banned ski-passes are not refundable. 

1.7. If the violation of these Rules (by passengers) led to traumatism or triggered other accidents, TC "Bukovel" carries no responsibility and the damage is not refunded by the Company.

1.8. Passengers are obliged to adhere to these Rules.


2.1. Before passing the tourniquet and entering the loading zone, passengers line up evenly, in accordance to the number of seat places of the chair-lift. Children must always take the side seats. 

2.2. In order to prevent traumatism, passengers must not have their ski poles on straps. Both poles must be held in one hand, by the half-point of the pole.

2.3. Loading is restricted to a specific location, marked by "BOARD HERE" sign. Loading is only allowed in station person-in-duty's presence. 

2.4. While in the loading zone, passengers have to position themselves properly, the approaching seat has to be exactly behind their back. Passangers take a seat only when a chair is in close proximity


3.1. After taking a seat and leaving the loading zone, the restrainment bar has to be put down into "closed" position, both feet put on the footrest. 

3.2. If an item is dropped accidentally, the number on the closest support pillar must be remembered, in order to inform the personnel on the unloading station.


4.1. When the unloading station is in sight, passengers must get prepared: raise the restrainment bar, check their equipment and outfit, waistbags and backpacks, so a hitch won't occur during the unloading.

4.2. During the unloading, passengers not strapped to skis/snowboards step aside, right seats to the right, left seats to the left, let the chair go forward, then quickly leave the unloading zone. Skiers leave their seats and slide forward through the ramp. Crowding is strictly prohibited on the unloading platform.


5.1. While riding, one may not stand up, lay down against the chairs, seat facing backward.

5.2. Any form of provocative and/or risky behavior is strictly prohibited.

5.3. Smoking and usage of open fire sources is prohibited.

5.4. Explosives, flammable liquids or poisons are prohibited.

5.5. Staying in the chair while riding around the revolving node (pulley) is prohibited.

5.6. Walking below the carrier wire is prohibited, except special cases.

5.7. Passengers may not stay on the stations, except being in loading/unloading areas. 

5.8. Taking/leaving the chairs everywhere except loading/unloading stations is prohibited.

5.9. Riding without restrainment bar put down is prohibited.

5.10. Pets are not allowed.

5.11. Bulky baggage above 15kg in weight is not allowed.

5.12. Skis may not be oriented perpendicularly towards the traffic.

5.13. Jumping off the seat on the move is prohibited.

5.14. One must not knowingly inflict damage to the ski-lift machinery.

5.15. One may not use the lift under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

5.16. Riders with dirty and/or damaged skiwear are not allowed.

5.17. Children under the age of 14 and below 125 cm in height are not allowed without an accompanying person being present.


6.1. Passengers with snowboards (boarders), along with stated above, must adhere to the following instructions:

6.1.1 Before entering the tourniquet, one must detach the back-foot from the board. 

6.1.2 While waiting for a chair, the snowboard must be placed in parallel towards the traffic direction.

6.1.3 After taking a seat and leaving the loading zone, the restrainment bar has to be put down into "closed" position, snowboard put on the footrest.

6.1.4 When unloading, the snowboard must be put in parallel towards the slope line, back-foot put on the board, no attaching.

6.1.5 After unloading and leaving the unloading zone, one may bind their back-foot.

6.2. Boarders may not use the lift with both boots strapped, or keeping the snowboard in hand.


7.1. If the lift stops, passengers must remain seated and wait for a restart (or operator instructions), making no attempts to leave the line.

7.2. Prior to using any lift, passengers must get familiar with these Rules, as well as have knowledge of loading, transportation and unloading safety. Violation of these Rules may lead to traumatism or other accidents, as well as administrative sanctions.

Bukovel ski resort administration


In case on an emergency, please call:

+38 067 342 3111
Rescue Service

+38 067 342 0031
Fire Department

State emergency services:

101 Fire Department

102 Police

103 Ambulance


Dear guests!

At Bukovel resort there are 4-seater, 3-seater, 2-seater chairlifts and T-bar lifts.

For training purposes, we offer access to designated training areas with multi-lifts and transport tracks.

All chairlift routes are mutually interconnected. You may reach a particular line using the ski slopes network.

The slope marking rules are as follows: the number of the slope corresponds to the number of the lift to which it belongs. You may use a particular lifts in order to reach the other one, which is located on the same slope.

Before getting on the lift, mind the ski slope you want to get to. You can study the maps of the slopes on the lower lift stations.


Before getting up the slope, check your equipment (ski, snowboard, mount, boots, helmet, etc.).

We also emphasize the risky nature of wintersports and the possibility of traumatic events, thus check up your equipment before you start. Use the slopes according to your experience and skill level. Please adhere to these Rules, and take into consideration your physical and psychological condition. Wearing a ski helmet is mandatory for skiing or snowboarding at Bukovel!

If you feel uncertain or unsafe, feel free to get qualified help from our instructors at Ski School Bukovel.

Bukovel ski resort administration



1.1. TC "Bukovel" Skier Responsibility Code, henceforth the Rules, contain basic behavior principles to follow on a ski trail, in order to reach high level of safety on the slopes, minimizing traumatism risks and prevent accidents.

1.2. Here are the terms and definitions of these Rules:

  • Ski trail (piste) – a complex technical structure, marked ski run or path down the mountain, with a given profile, acceptable for mass riding and fits all the necessary safety requirements, as regards to skiing and snowboarding.
  • Rider – anyone, who moves along the ski trail using special equipment (skis, snowboards). 
  • Beginner rider – a person who lacks skills and traits of wintersports, and is unfamiliar with the gear.

1.3. Any person who participates in the ski traffic at TC "Bukovel" is the subject of these Rules.

1.4. Any rider must adhere to these Rules, as well as instructions, posted or verbal, given by TC “Bukovel” employees, follow markers and signs, mounted along the ski trail.

1.5. All damage done to property of TC "Bukovel" or any other person, as a proven fact of violation of these Rules, are refunded on demand, according to the current legislation.

1.6. When a violation of the Rules occurs, authorized personnel have the right to remove a rider, or any other responsible person, out of the trail. This includes ski-pass (temporary or permanent) blocking. Banned ski-passes are not refundable.

1.7. When a violation of the Rules by the rider or any other person occurs, leading to traumatism or triggering other accidents, TC "Bukovel" carries no responsibility and the damage is not refunded by the Company.

1.8. By entering a ski trail at TC "Bukovel", any person is automatically considered as having accepted these Rules and are obliged to adhere to them.


2.1. Depending on their complexity, TC "Bukovel" ski trails are categorized as "blue", "red" and "black":

  • BLUE – basic complexity.
  • RED – advanced complexity.
  • BLACK – high complexity.

2.2. Riders must not enter the trail if the complexity level does not match their technical skills and physical conditions. 

2.3. Before entering any ski trail, it's highly recommended for beginner riders to attend courses in a ski or snowboarding school.


3.1. Whenever merging into the trail or starting downhill, rider must look uphill and act in a way which prevents collisions and accidents.


3.2.1. Be always in control, choose the appropriate speed, path, technique, keep intervals and distances. Know your own technical and physical ability and ride within it. Make sure that the slope relief, snow and weather conditions, view range and surrounding people are taken into consideration;

3.2.2. Know that a person ahead ALWAYS has the right of way. It's your responsibility to avoid collision and provide such a person with decent amount of maneuver, in case of any development, intentional or accidental. Don't hesitate to perform overtaking signals and alerts, including verbal, if needed; 

3.2.3. Always look for posted signs and warnings, obey the instructions of piste employees and Ski Patrol;

3.2.4. Know the location of Ski School proving grounds, reduce your speed when entering those locations.


3.3.1. Broken gear is prohibited;

3.3.2. Wearing a helmet is mandatory;

3.3.3. Skiing while under the unfluence of alcohol and drugs is prohibited;

3.3.4. Riding through platter lift zones is prohibited;

3.3.5. Riding through trails being specially reserved for competitions is prohibited;

3.3.6. Skiing during the ratrack operation hours is prohibited;

3.3.7. Stopping amidst the trail is prohibited. In urgent cases, one must turn aside, then stop; 

3.3.8. Stopping on narrow or traverse piste fragments is prohibited, especially if cannot be seen from uphill;

3.3.9. After the stop, skiers and snowboarders must give way to others first, then proceed;

3.3.10. Riders must control their speed;

3.3.11. Riders must not willingly cross the path of each other, or move at dangerously close distances;

3.3.12. Skiers and snowboarders must not enter the trail which is closed by the Ski Patrol and piste personnel. Riders must respect all "closed trail" signs and fencings.

3.4. Closed trails can only be used by Ski Patrol and authorized personnel.

3.5. In case of falling, rider must regroup and free the way as soon as possible. When unable to proceed with the ride, it is still necessary to avoid blocking the trail.

3.6. If a collision occurs, or any other accident takes place, anyone involved (including witnesses) must not leave the scene. Their obligations are as follows:

3.6.1. Mark up the accident scene. Warning signs must be put down 4-5 meters above the affected person (crossed ski poles or skis, a snowboard, sticked in the snow, a jacket), or an observer must be sent uphill to warn the approaching riders;

3.6.2. First aid must be provided by a competent person, if necessary;

3.6.3. Ski Patrol employees must be informed immediately by phone. RESCUE SERVICE PHONE NUMBERS ARE PRINTED ON YOUR SKI-PASS!

3.6.4. Riders must not leave the scene until the Ski Patrol arrives. If involved, please leave your contact and identity information. 

3.7. The person ahead always has the right of way. These riders have both limited sight range and the ability to control the situation. In case of collisions, the rider having violated this rule is considered liable for the accident; 

3.8. One can only boot pack uphill / downhill, moving along the border of the ski trail, making no obstruction to others;

3.9. Any non-rider person who stays or operates in close proximity to a ski trail, must adhere to the following safety restrictions: 

3.9.1. Do not enter the areas, designated exclusively for skiing/snowboarding, including safety run outs;

3.9.2. Boot packing uphill/downhill is only possible when moving along the border of the ski trail, making no obstruction and doing no damage to snowpack;

3.10. Sledging or sliding down using improvised means is prohibited, except for specially designated grounds or slopes;

3.11. Vehicles (ratracks, snowmobiles, quad bikes) are not allowed on the open ski trail. In urgent cases, i.e. injured person retrieval, they may proceed with maximum caution. In such cases, Ski Patrol is obliged to provide necessary instructions;

3.12. Horse-drawn transport and domestic animals are not allowed on the open ski trail; 

3.13. Trade and rental activity is prohibited on the open ski trail;

3.14. Any person who stays or operates in close proximity to a ski trail (or lifts) is obliged to adhere to all posted signs, warnings and designations, and avoid crossing the catch fencing; 

3.15. After lifts stoppage time, anyone except service personnel is obliged to leave the ski trail;

3.16. After the trail is closed, Ski Patrol inspects it for unauthorized presence and reports to trail maintenance service.


4.1. Prior to entering the ski trail, any rider is obliged to get familiar with these Rules. Violation may lead to accidents and traumatism, as well as administrative sanctions.

Bukovel ski resort administration